Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let the PCN Board adventures (and work) begin

My day started at 6:15 a.m. - I woke up early to take my Lola to mass for her birthday, as she requested. After being awake for six hours, I fell asleep around 12:45 p.m., right when PCN Board announcements were made. I woke up two hours later (oops) to five unread text messages and a handful of Facebook notifications and thought, "Okay, let's hope all these notifications mean good news!" And sure enough, they did.
Eager to know if I had earned my first choice position, I scanned the hilarious PCN Board announcement poster (which is a true winner, in my opinion) for a silly picture of myself.  Once I found my face (with a picture that my dear friend Jonas took - why am I not surprised?) and saw "Marketing" written under it, I screamed. 

Marketing and public relations are two areas I study in school and have much experience in. I love doing tasks relevant to these areas as well as communications/journalism/social media, especially in regards to organizations or projects that are important to me. 

I've always been proud to be a Filipino-American; to know my language, my traditions, my roots. I've never been ashamed of my ethnicity. But I don't think I fully realized how important it is to share my culture with the world around me, especially since I am part of the first generation of Americans in my family. Wow. I never realized how big a deal that actually is until I wrote it out. 

Joining and participating in my school's Filipino organization, CSULB's Pilipino American Coalition, has truly made me realize the importance of celebrating and sharing one's culture, especially in my amazing experience of this past year's PCN. And for that, I am grateful. 

I'm excited to use my networking and communication knowledge, as well as other marketing and public relations skills, to serve PAC and to make PCN 2015 incredible. Although we never met this last year (it's almost impossible to know everyone in PAC when there are hundreds of members and more than 200 participants in PCN), I am beyond excited to work with my co-marketing chair, Victoria! We already contacted each other and we're ready to make a great team. 

I am so thrilled to use my talents for something that is so important to me and I am ready to learn and grow even more with this opportunity. PCN Board 2014-15 is full of passionate people and I cannot wait for the year to unfold, PAC and PCN-wise!   

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations girl! So proud of you and I know you'll do an amazing job in the position [:
